Arise for Christ is a Christian mission that aims to mobilize Christians to action, connect them, and organize Christian organizations to be more effective in proclaiming the Gospel and extending the Kingdom of God. Through the portal and using social media networking, Christians will be able to communicate more easily, unite, and encourage each other to act together for Christ.

We join our efforts and knowledge to witness the Gospel and extend the Kingdom of God worldwide, starting from Romania. Fulfilling God's desire (1 Timothy 2:4) is the mission of our association, motivated by God's love for us, and in turn, we do it for people (1 John 3:16).

Arise Mission
Arise Working Principles
Arise Beliefs

We aspire to see a growing movement of Christians who act for Christ and implement the principles of the Kingdom of God. We desire churches and believers to be dedicated to winning souls for God, restoring those who have fallen, and helping those with different problems for their spiritual growth. We do not intend to replace the mission of the Lord's Church but rather emphasize, motivate, and serve as a bridge for evangelizing people and serving believers.